Newsletter 04/2023

H2020 No 871018

The summer season is open! Many have already left for holidays; others are looking forward to relaxation and time for things that would otherwise fall by the wayside. An excellent opportunity to browse the CO:RE Knowledge Base, read a text or two or watch a video. We invite you to send us your comments or to leave a "Like" on the website ❤️. Whatever you do, we wish you a great summer!  




📌 On a personal note

In March, the EC funding of the CO:RE project ended after three years. During this period, we developed a comprehensive knowledge platform and various formats to stimulate discourse and facilitate science-based decision-making. The aim is now to test the platform's feasibility and - more importantly - to explore its continuation and funding. Your feedback is therefore precious: Please let us know what you think about CO:RE and how this platform has helped you in your work. Just message or comment on Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.).
Thank you very much for your support!  


🧭 The CO:RE Data Explorer 

How many children use their smartphones to go online? How much time do 9-16-year-olds in different European countries spend online on average? What percentage of children have had negative online experiences, and how do children in Europe rate their online skills? You can quickly get an overview with the CO:RE Data Explorer. It is based on data from the EU Kids Online 2020 survey (Smahel 2020), collected in 19 European countries between 2017 and 2019.


🌍 Did you know that CO:RE is available in 28 Languages?

From Bulgarian and Hebrew to Latvian and beyond - Explore the Knowledge Base in your native language. All you need to do is to select your preferred language at the top right of the page next to the search button. The homepage and all the blog posts and toolkits will be translated to ensure accessibility for all. Просто опитайте 😀!


🎙️ For your ears: The CO:RE Podcast!

You may already know our vlog interview series with experts in the field of children and media, but did you know that each episode is also available in a podcast format on Spotify? This way, you can listen to engaging conversations on children and digital media on the go! 


📅 Upcoming events

22 - 25 August 2023 - European Conference on Educational Research, ECER, Glasgow

20 - 23 September 2023 - Digital Media and Development Minds, Washington


More upcoming dates & events can be found here


Stay healthy and stay tuned.


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